Seed List

2024-2025 Seed Exchange Main Round is NOW CLOSED! Surplus round will begin March 1st.

Click on the seed name to open the Google search page for that genus/species. Use alphabetical buttons or the search boxes underneath to refine the list and the ALL button to get out of the search. To view only Garden or Wild collected seed, use the Garden/Wild box. Use page numbers at the bottom to go to the next page of the list.

To select a seed from within the seed list, click on the choice button you want for that item. To change the choice category click on one of the other options or “No” to unselect an item. Many seeds are in very short supply, so provide enough second choices to ensure you receive a full order and to help the order filler pull your order. Second choices (preferred) (2nd*) is only for the few Second choices selections that you want the order fillers to pull first if they need to pull from second choices.

You may also enter your seed selections using the grey Instant Add box. Ranges can only be added using the Instant Add box. To make a change or remove a range, click on the >>>Review your order so far button to go to Your Selections page to delete the range. Ranges count as one choice (1 packet from the range will be pulled). You are not allowed more than one packet of any seed number.

When you finish making all your selections and are ready to pay for your order, click the Finalize Order - Checkout button; do not click this button until you have made all your selections.

Due to Phytosanitary restrictions, European Union, UK, Australia, and Japan members cannot order any moist packed seed or place an order in the Surplus Round. Australia and New Zealand members may only order seeds permitted entry by their countries.

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Seed # Genus/Species Description Garden/Wild
132 Anemone baldensis cream-pale yellow 5-15cm 160 G
133 Anemone coronaria blue 20-40cm 21 G
134 Anemone drummondii white/tinged blue reverse 10-25cm 13 111 160 G
135 Anemone lithophila white/tinged blue 10-25cm 19 G
136 Anemone multifida cream 10-40cm 75 165 G
137 Anemone multifida pink 10-40cm 5 G
138 Anemone multifida red 10-40cm 75 G
139 Anemone multifida red/pink 15cm 86 G
140 Anemone multifida white 10-40cm 137 G
141 Anemone multifida 'Rubra' dark rose-pink to 30cm 43 160 G
142 Anemone multifida v multifida cream 30-70cm 83 G
143 Anemone nemorosa 'Robinsoniana' (moist packed) pale lavender-blue 15-20cm 165 G
144 Anemone nemorosa 'Wyatt's Pink' (moist packed) white-pale pink/fades to deep pink 15-20cm 165 G
145 Anemone parviflora white/blue-tinged 5-30cm 19 G
146 Anemone sylvestris white 30-45cm 59 G
147 Anemone virginiana white/greenish-white 30-80cm 165 G
148 Anemonella thalictroides (moist packed) semi-double white 10-30cm 165 G
149 Anemonella thalictroides (moist packed) white 10-30cm 165 G
150 Anemonopsis macrophylla pale lavender-purple/white 40-80cm > G
151 Anemonopsis macrophylla 'Alba' white 40-80cm 28 154 G
152 Angelica archangelica yellow-greenish to 2m 77 G
3018 Angelica arguta white 152cm Montana: West Glacier 30 W
153 Angelica atropurpurea cream-greenish flr/purple stems 90-300cm 99 125 G
154 Angelica gigas dark purple flr/purplish stems 1-2m 4 68 G
155 Antennaria dioica pink flr/grey woolly lvs 3-10cm 130 G
156 Antennaria dioica 'Rotes Wunder' red flr/silver-grey lvs 5-10cm 83 G
157 Antennaria dioica 'Rubra' deep pink flr/grey lvs 10-15cm 139 G
158 Antennaria neglecta white flr/woolly lvs 4-25cm 32 G
159 Antennaria rosea ssp pulvinata rose/white/yellowish/brownish flr/woolly lvs 4-17cm 77 G
160 Anthemis cretica white flr/grey lvs 10-30cm 72 155 G
161 Anthemis cretica ssp carpatica white flr/silver lvs 10-30cm 165 G
162 Anthemis marschalliana yellow flr/silver lvs 10-20cm 155 G
163 Anthericum liliago white 60-90cm 153 G
164 Anthericum ramosum white 30-70cm 46 86 129 G
165 Anthericum undulatum white to 50cm 155 G
166 Anthriscus sylvestris 'Ravenswing' white flr/dark purple-bronze lvs 30-90cm > G
167 Anthyllis montana pink-dark purple 2-25cm 155 G
168 Anthyllis vulneraria light orange 4cm 23 G
169 Anthyllis vulneraria yellow 5-40cm 48 49 G
170 Anticlea (Zigadenus) elegans cream-greenish 20-80cm 17 G
3019 Anticlea (Zigadenus) elegans cream-green marking 25cm Oregon: Mt Hood 914m 135 W
171 Antirrhinum hispanicum pink 10-30cm 121 G
172 Antirrhinum hispanicum pink/white 10-30cm 24 142 G
173 Antirrhinum molle pale pink/white-yellow to 30cm 74 G
3020 Apios americana purple vine North Carolina: Carteret Co 93 W
195 Aquilegia 'McKana's Giant' mix to 80cm 62 G
174 Aquilegia alpina blue 15-80cm 155 G
175 Aquilegia bertolonii blue-violet 20-30cm > G
176 Aquilegia buergeriana yellow/brown-purple 30-80cm 139 G
178 Aquilegia buergeriana 'Calimero' wine-purple/yellow 15-20cm 83 G