Plant and Seed Swap


a forum for seeds/plants wanted, or seeds/plants to share or swap

Plant and Seed Swap - Information

Submitted by Mark McD on

It is the purpose of this board to provide a place where forumists can post about seeds or plants wanted, and conversely, seeds or plants available to donate or swap. We ask all forumists comply with any regulations pertaining to the exchange of seed or plant materials in the countries involved in such exchanges. An additional aspect of this board is to to help forumists who seek certain plants, to find seed or plant sources in their areas.

Forumists may start new topics in this board to indicate their plant/seed needs or offerings.

Clintonia andrewsiana

Submitted by Kywoodchuck on

Hi Folks,

To those Western USA NARGS members..I'm looking for someone who has  Clintonia andrewsiana and would be willing to share  an offshoot or even a few seeds. Just putting a feeler out their for a spring swap. Please let me know.

Seed offer

Submitted by RickR on

Well I could kick myself for not getting my seed ready in time to donate to the seed ex, but that wouldn't help anything, would it!  So if anyone would like anything from this list, send me an email.


Allium moly

Bouteloua curtipendula wild collected Washington County, Minnesota

Bouteloua hirsuta wild collected Washington County, Minnesota

Chaemechrista fasiculata wild collected Washington County, Minnesota - annual

Dalea villosa wild collected Washington County, Minnesota

Dirca palustris - moist packed

Collecting ephedra seed

Submitted by paulhschneider on

I am getting red "berries" on my Ephedra minima. Does anyone have any info on the best time to harvest them for seed collection? They have 2 black seed in each berry. I don't want to collect too soon (or too late)! Any help appreciated...      

Carlina acaulis seed

Submitted by Lori S. on

I finally thought to collect seed of Carlina acaulis yesterday, though too late, unfortunately, for the seedexes.  

It's a stunning plant, with flowers that last intact all through the winter.  Yanking the seeds out of the disc took quite a bit of effort -  they're so firmly in place that the spent flowers are always pristinely intact when they're finally cut off in spring (which, I realize now, explains why I've never yet found a seedling, after growing a couple of plants for many years).