argentea | silvery |
argenteus | silvery |
argillicola | growing in clay |
arguta | sharply toothed |
argutus | sharply toothed |
argyraeus | silvery |
argyrotricha | silvery haired |
argyrotrichus | silvery haired |
aristata | long bristle-like tip |
aristatus | long bristle-like tip |
armiger | spiny, prickly |
armigera | spiny, prickly |
armillaris | collared |
articulata | jointed |
articulatus | jointed |
arundinacea | reed like |
arundinaceus | reed like |
arvense | of cultivated fields |
arvensis | of cultivated fields |
asper | rough |
aspera | rough |
aspersa | scattered |
aspersus | scattered |
assurgens | rising up |
astricta | drawn together |