A photo-essay on the various ways that fall impinges on the rock garden and the rock gardener.
In the first of what will be a regular feature, Don LaFond discusses what makes a rock garden plant and what makes a rock garden - just what counts as an alpine, why we like magnolias and other such questions.
Cushion plants are among the aristocrats of the alpine gardening world and Ger takes us through a beautiful range of such beauties from mountains and steppes around the world.
Exactly when and where in the iconic Bighorn Mounatins to look for the treasures - Aquilegia jonesii, Kelseya uniflora, plus Draba, Douglasia, Hymenoxys, Townsendia and others.
Most people would think of Greece as the site of Mount Olympus but there is another, Ulu Dag, the ancient Mysian Olympus, in western Turkey. In this article the author shows us the flora both of Ulu Dag abd also of the floristically distinct Kaz Dag and discusses the ways in which it is similar to the Greek flora and the ways each mountain is different.
Full details including Registration Forms for the Spring Garden Gala / NARGS Study Weekend.
Reviews of
- Planting Design for Dry Gardens - Olivier Filippi (2016, Filber Press)
- The Plant Lover's Guide to Primulas - Jodie Mitchell and Lynne Lawson (2016, Timber Press)