RGQ Fall 2017

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- Lee Recca -

A summary of all the ways the water, rocks, and plants interact visually and practically in the garden.

- Bob Nold -

Bob's rain gardens in a dry climate are very different than the usual image of a rain garden, but make great habitat for a wide range of plants.

- John Beaulieu -

John shows us how he used the rubble from his neighbor's old patio to make a beautiful crevice garden.

- Don LaFond -

The latest in Don's series of articles on getting starting in rock gardening.

- Ger van den Beuken -

The last installment in this series on cushion plants for the rock garden.

- Gary Whittenbaugh -

Gary's picks of the best plants he thinks you all should be growing.

- Mark McDonough -

A profile of an unusual soapwort, Saponaria cypria.

- Robert E. Swartz -

From native orchids to trillium to hardy cactus, Robert shows us the techniques he's used to propagate a wide range of beautiful native plants.