RGQ - Fall 2016

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- Robin Magowan -

Just what is the challenge of growing our plants from across the world. We grow them alongside one another and we make their world for them, to contain "within a set scale, maximum multiplicity... inevitably constrained by the conditions we have."

- David Guillet -

Newly transplanted from Virginia to Austin, Texas, David Guillet set about the process of working out how to create a rock garden. In this article he discusses the challenges for any rock gardening in extreme conditions and how he has undertaken the process in a location which seems inhospitable for rock garden plants.

- Anna Leggatt -

The deserts of southern Calidfornia provide one of the great spectacles among the North American flora. Xeric perennials vie with displays of annuals that can astound the visitor. Having visited the area repeatedly, Anna draws on her knowledge and her collection of wonderful photographs.

- Ger van den Beuken -

Cushion plants are the ultimate rock gardener's dream from high mountains, deserts, and steppes. From each of these, the ecological advantages of this frugal growth form have produced beautiful plants which entrance the rock gardener but can impose great challenges.

- Susann Nilsson -

On her travels in Japan looking for pulsatillas and other wildflowers (featured in the last issue) Susann took time out to visit the nursery Yuzawa engei and here provides a brief insight into this intriguing family-run business.

- pictures from the Steamboat Springs Annual Meeting
- details of NARGS 2017 tours to Wyoming and the Dolomites
- NARGS Awards
- Members Interest Survey