Come to Nova Scotia for the
2023 NARGS Conference and AGM: Rocks, Plants, Habitats
The conference will take place from Thursday June 8 to Sunday June 11 at the Dalhousie University Agricultural Campus in Truro Nova Scotia. Register through the nargs23.org website.
The program will feature field trips, speakers and time to meet other rock gardeners from across North America.
The Agricultural Campus has a highly acclaimed Rock Garden with acidic granite rock and new limestone crevice garden.
All breakfasts, receptions and banquets will be in the Riverside Room on campus and accommodation will be available both on campus and in local hotels.
The program will feature the very rich diversity of plant habitats in Nova Scotia from coastal barrens, gypsum deposits and the Acadian forest. Speakers will include an Introduction to Mi’kma’ki, the legends of Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia flora as well as national and international rock garden specialists.
Come join us for the first NARGS convention in Nova Scotia, Canada’s Ocean Playground.
View our video on the features for our conference “Rocks, Plants, Habitats