Εleftherios Dariotis (aka Liberto Dario of Facebook) is a horticulturist and botanist from Athens, Greece. He has studied plant production in Greece and completed a M.Sc. in Plant Biology from the University of California, Davis and another in Horticulture from the University of Reading in England. He has created two private gardens in Paiania, Greece which hold a large variety of Lamiaceae (mint family) and other plants, traveled extensively around the world and especially in Greece´s diverse habitats to see and photograph the native plants. He has worked in the agricultural and environmental public sectors in Greece. He is currently leading plant tours in Greece (Nargs Tour this Fall 2019) and maintains a small bulb and seed nursery business. His plant interests include everything in the family Lamiaceae, with a special attraction to Salvias, along with a love for South African Bulbs and Mediterranean climate shrubs and perennials that he is continuously introducing and promoting in Athens' tough local gardening conditions
2019 Summer Speaker's Tour
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