Call for nominations

Call for Nominations for 2015 for NARGS Officers and Directors

We are continuing to call for nominees for the 2015 election of three directors and two officers: Treasurer and Recording Secretary. It is up to all members to consider whom they might nominate.  Self-nomination is also acceptable.  Please refer to the By-Laws to read a description of the duties of officers and directors.

Treasurer and Recording Secretary
Candidates for these positions stand for a two-year term (2015-2017).  They may be re-elected for a further term to a maximum of four years in the position. New candidates are needed for both posts as the current Treasurer was elected in 2011, re-elected in 2013, and is not eligible for re-election, and the current Recording Secretary does not intend to stand for re-election.

Directors serve for three years. Every year three new directors are elected as three directors have completed their term. Directors cannot be elected for two consecutive terms.

We will accept names submitted by any current member of NARGS for these five positions. To help the Nominating Commitee make its decision about which candidates to put on the slate, please provide the following information for each nominee:

1. Name, chapter (if applicable), e-mail address, and position for which each person is nominated.
2. Bio of nominee (100 words or less, written by nominee)
3. Picture
4. Note of acceptance from (new) nominee indicating a willingness to be one of the above officers of NARGS (two-year term) or a NARGS Director (three-year term).
5. Your own reasons for nominating the person.

Nominations should be emailed to Bobby Ward.
They can also be posted to Bobby J Ward, NARGS, PO Box 18604, Raleigh, NC 27619-8604 USA.

The deadline for nominations is January 31, 2015.

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