Lilium pumilum
Description and General Information:
This lily is native to grassy meadows and open shrubby areas of Mongolia, Siberia, Manchuria and North Korea. It is a stem-rooting species reaching 75 cm. The very narrow leaves are crowded and numerous. Plants are topped with up to 20 (normally 10) nodding, reflexed, orange-red flowers about 5 cm in diameter. Flowers may or may not be spotted. This species is also known by the name L. tenuifolium.
This lily prefers cool soil that is well-drained yet reasonably high in organic content. Full sun is best but in warmer regions, will tolerate part-shade. The soil pH should be 5-7. Hardy to zone 3. Plants have a tendency to be short-lived.
Blooming Period:
June or July.
Direct sow at 20 C.
If you are fortunate to produce a larger clump with several stems, they may be dug in fall and divided.