Polygala calcarea
Description and General Information:
Called the chalk milkwort, Polygala calcarea is a low growing, mat-forming plant 2 cm tall, with small, elliptical evergreen foliage. In late spring pants produce short spikes of deep blue flowers with a central brush of white anthers. It is distributed on limestone substrate from southern England to northern Spain.
This species prefers alkaline soil and well-drained but gravelly soil that stays reasonably moist. It is overall a slow grower but long-lived if grown under good conditions. 'Lillet' is the standard cultivar offered by nursuries and has been awarded a AGM by the RHS.
Blooming Season:
May and June.
Seeds, cuttings, division
Large plants may be dug and divided after flowering.
Direct sow at 20 C; overall slow and poor germination rates.
Cuttings is the preferred method for propagation. Take cuttings just after blooming.