Hello from the Pacific Northwest

Submitted by Saori on

Hi everyone!

While I wait for the seed exchange to begin, I wanted to introduce myself.

I have been lurking on the forum for quite a while... usually I'm more of a reader than a poster in general, but I finally began posting recently and I've enjoyed communicating with folks who have similar interests to mine. :)

I'm living in the Seattle area but originally I came from Japan. I am also a member of the northwest NARGS chapter. I have been growing all sorts of plants for the last 15 years or so but last year, my neighbor flower friend took me to the chapter meeting as a guest. That inspired me to join both the national and local societies. Now I wish I had joined earlier!

I love plants, especially spring ephemerals like Erythronium, Trillium, Fritillaria, etc... I also like species lilies, Arisaema, and species and some hybrids of hellebores and clematis. My garden soil is pretty much clay and we have lots of big trees in neighboring yards, so whenever we dig in the garden, my shovel hits roots. Recently, I have been exchanging seeds with my flower friends from all over the world, and I have rediscovered the joy of growing plants from seed (even ones that I used to plant as bulbs). It will be a while until I see my first flowers, but hopefully once they start, and if I keep sowing, I will see new flowers every year. ;)


Submitted by Hoy on Sat, 12/17/2011 - 13:24

Hello Saori!

Nice to "meet" you - on the other side of the globe. I'm just now sitting in my sofa, at the west coast of Norway. Almost the same but a bit colder climate than you have. Seems we like many of the same genera as well ;)

Submitted by Peter George on Sat, 12/17/2011 - 14:29

Greetings Saori,
I'm certainly pleased that you are joining us here on the Forum, and that you, like so many of us, are waiting for the Seed Exchange to 'open' officially this year. I hope you are planning on attending the NARGS Annual Meeting in Everett, WA in March, and if you are, make sure we get a chance to meet! We're a friendly and quite eclectic group here, and as long as we keep growing in  number, we'll keep growing in knowledge. If there is anything I can do for you in the field of rock gardening, ask, and it's likely that ye shall receive.


Submitted by Mark McD on Sat, 12/17/2011 - 15:01

Hello Saori, welcome to NARGS Forum.  For four years (back in the 1980s) I lived in Bellevue, Washington, not far from Seattle, and I belonged to the northwest NARGS chapter.  I met many talented rock gardeners and visited many memorable gardens.  The one thing I miss the most is close proximity to high mountains (including Mt. Rainier) and the dry western 4/5th of the State; favorite haunts; Wenatchee Mts, Columbia River Gorge. 

Your signature block sums it up well, where summer is mild and dry, but winter is dark and very wet... oh how I remember the cold drizzle ;)  I'm looking forward to learning more about your favorite plants.

Submitted by RickR on Sat, 12/17/2011 - 17:00

Welcome, Soari!

Lurkers are always welcome, too, but it is so much more fun to participate.  Thanks for taking that step.  You will learn even more, and now we all can learn from you too!

Submitted by Lori S. on Sat, 12/17/2011 - 18:12

Welcome, Saori!  We have conversed a little already and I'm looking forward to hearing more about what you are growing!

Submitted by Saori on Sat, 12/17/2011 - 18:30

Thanks for the warm welcome! :)

Trond, it's nice to hear from the other side of the globe! The closest I've been to where you are is southern Sweden, but I don't know if the weather there is the same as yours...

Peter, yes, I'm one of the many of us anticipating the start of the seed exchange. I really appreciate the time and effort that has gone into setting this up. I'm not sure if I will be able to make it to the study weekend, but if I can I would love to meet you in person!

Mark, good to hear from you, and actually, I heard your name from Chris Chadwell when I was chatting with him about his latest expedition. He said that you were a wonderful resource for information on this forum. :)

Rick, nice to 'meet' you! I'm looking forwad to learning more and more from this group!

Submitted by Saori on Sat, 12/17/2011 - 18:34


Sorry I missed your post. Thanks for your welcome and I'm looking forwad to seeing what everyone else is growing as well!