

a place to discuss topics tangential to gardening interests

Cliff Seep Community

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
James wrote:

Maybe so, but we can still see the results in areas with vertical cliffs. We can see water seeping right out of a cliff face.

I thought everyone might like these pictures of a cliff side community.

The first picture shows the entire cliff. Water is seeping out of the limestone in the bottom center of the picture just above a harder less permeable layer.

Planting Cultivars of Native Plants In Wild Lands

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Lis wrote:

Anybody have any views on the wisdom of planting cultivars of native plants in supposedly 'natural' areas? Think carefully - there are hidden issues here!

In ecological restoration we try to use seed that has been collected as near the original site as possible. Often we limit the material to collections from with 15, 25, or if necessary 75 miles from a site. There are some sound reasons for this policy.

Talk About Invasive Species

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on


I am realizing I cannot convince you that grazing has an ecological benefit. I will leave you with this final information.

Mowing and grazing have different outcomes. Below is a link that talks about the use of patch burn grazing and the results.


Here is a link that shows a result that is being attributed to annual mowing for hay.

Invasive plants

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on


"The Indian summer is going on and on...which is a blessing for me since I still have a few last flats to plant."

Don't you worry about the plants frost heaving when you are planting them so close to winter? By this time of the year I hold mine over in pots protected by leaves, my shed, or my garage.