

a forum for the bulb aficionados

Trillium germination

Submitted by RickR on Thu, 12/08/2011 - 21:18

Jan, your 2011 collected Trillium kurabayashii seed have germinated! :o

You were so generous that I decided to plant some, and then kept some in the moist packed bag you sent. (Don't we all like to watch the actual germination process if we can?) Both are sitting on the kitchen counter. I guess I just never got around to putting them in the fridge.... Now every one in the bag is sending out a radicle! And hopefully, the planted seeds are, too.

Gladiolus 2011

Submitted by RickR on Mon, 06/20/2011 - 01:11

I have been growing this hardy glad here in zone 4 for 13 years, and flowers have never looked better. This year, I actually snapped some worthy photos of this quite unphotogenic plant.

Gladiolus atroviolaceus

One spike just opening, another with fully developed flowers.

Tulips 2011

Submitted by Boland on Fri, 04/29/2011 - 17:40

Surprised no one has started this before now as I am sure I am among the last people to have blooming tulips. Only two open yet...Tulipa turkestanica and Tulipa kaufmanniana.

Trillium 2011

Submitted by WimB on Sun, 03/27/2011 - 08:13

I take it there will be a lot more posts of this very nice plants from the people in N-America since it's a native to your continent, but anyhow: the first Trillium in flower in my garden.


Submitted by Paul T on Wed, 02/23/2011 - 04:46

Howdy All,

Not exactly sure where to post these, so hopefully starting a new topic is OK? This is Tigridia vanhouttei, a stunning little gem that I adore. Each flower is maybe 3cm across, and lasts for a single day only (or less if it is hot). Such an amazing colour combination.

I don't know whether others of you on this forum grow Tigridia or not? I'd imagine most of you would need to grow them under glass, as I only get down to -8 or -9oC minimums, which are somewhat warmer than so many in the frozen north. ;D ;)


Allium 2011

Submitted by Mark McD on Sat, 02/19/2011 - 14:02

I thought I'd kick off the Allium 2011 topic, even though way too early for signs of plant growth outdoors. A NARGS member was inquiring about Allium tricoccum over on the Pacific Bulb Society mail list, so I'm jumping in with a photo of variegated forms of Allium tricoccum (Ramps) found by Darrell Probst in Massachusetts.