16) Salvia, Scutellaria, Teucrium, Thymus and other Lamiaceae


Submitted by penstemon on

Ajuga chamaepitys subsp. glareosa. I thought this might be A. bombycina, but I guess that's much woolier.

It doesn't know when to stop blooming. 




Submitted by Fermi on

Salvias are a mainstay of summer gardens here. Recently we got this one as 'Celestial Blue', a hybrid from Salvia clevelandii and possibly S. pachyphylla and S.leucophylla.

It doesn't look as red in the calyces as the pics on the interweb, but it might just be this selection - otherwise it's possibly just Salvia clevelandii! It's certainly doing well, so we don't mind whatever it is!



Scutellaria sp. (mislabelled as S. tournefortii)

Submitted by Lori S. on

I like this one a lot!  

I grew this Scut (mislabelled as Scutellaria tournefortii) from seed in 2011, from an Alplains seed order in 2009.  The seeds germinated in 7 days at room temperature, after about 5 weeks of stratification in the cold room.  I find that Scutellaria are often a bit big for my smallish rock gardens, but so far, so good with this one.   The bi-colour flowers are quite enchanting:


Submitted by Peter George on

Over the years I've grown quite a few Dracocephalum species, including D. argunense. I've also grown an extremely similar plant, which originally came to me as D. ruyschiana. I've compared the two dozens of times, and I've never been able to really distinguish between them. I've consulted with some of my BNARGS Chapter members, including Lori Chips and Anne Spiegel, and in general everyone seems to agree that what I've got, and what everyone else in the Northeast has got, is D. argunense. I've not been able to find anyone who actually is growing D.


Submitted by WimB on

A couple of Origanums which are perfect for the rock garden and which are in full flower now:

Origanum microphyllum
and Origanum rotundifolia 'Kent Beauty'

My favorite Scoot - Scutellaria pectinata

Submitted by Kelaidis on

Actually, I have a number of faves, but the one I think that has the greatest potential is Scutellaria pectinata, obviously allied to the orientalis complex. The pert, upright flowers and burnt orange/red color are both delightful, but best of all it makes a very tight cushion and blooms in August and September, that low point for most of our gardens.