Rhododendron 2012

Submitted by Hoy on

When the sun broke the clouds today I could at last picture the rhodo flowers!
An unknown from Glendoick and R moupinenense are fully opened, and R sutchuenense shows the colour!


Submitted by Howey on Mon, 03/19/2012 - 04:39

Here it is still March and already the garden is overloaded with things popping up - trilliums, hepatica in flower and I note Cornus nuttallii, planted outdoors from seed from Victoria, British Columbia is sending up tiny red shoots.  Cornus floridus, bought as a small sapling, is loaded with buds - can hardly wait for it to flower - not many of them around where I live.  The Daphne mezereum is at its best just now - a sight to behold and such heavenly fragrance.  With still much bare earth, it's a time to divide, rearrange and trade - a very busy time for gardens around here.  Fran

Frances Howey
London, Ontario, Canada
Zone 5b

Submitted by Hoy on Tue, 03/20/2012 - 12:57

I would love to do more in my garden but have been busy the last weeks and the weather hasn't been cooperating. Although the temperature so far in March has been more like late April the sun is absent. Only a couple days without fog, rain and drizzle. But finger crossed - the weather forecast for the rest of the week is fairly good!