Primula 2015

Submitted by deesen on


Submitted by deesen on Mon, 02/23/2015 - 09:09

Sorry, my intention was to create a new Topic but it didn't work as I had intended.

The first of my collection of Primula hybrids are beginning to flower now. They had a pretty torrid time in the greenhouse over last Summer and lost a lot of leaf growth and instead of starting their growing period in fine form they have regressed a bit. Must get a fan sorted for the coming Summer.

Primula 'Lindum Moonlight

P. 'Lindum Heavenly'

P. 'Lindum Pride'  unfortunately I pictured the worst side of the plant.

P. allionii 'Edmund Evans'

A seedling I purchased from a German nursery early last year.

Another from the same source probably from P. 'Wharfedale Superb'

The plants with 'Lindum' in the name were all bred by a grower based in Lincoln, Eastern England, and 'Lindum' is the Roman name for Lincoln.



Lovely to see primroses blooming again!

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Some more Primula hybrids.

Primula 'Lindum Sunburst'

A P. auricula x P. allionii P. 'Clarence Elliott'

P. 'Joan Hughes' an allionii x P. 'Linda Pope'

P. allionii 'Kate Evans'

A seedling


And more:-

Primula 'Oberau'

P. 'Lindum Wedgewood'

P 'Alice Collins'

P. 'Jo Jo'

P. allionii 'Lee Myers'

Submitted by deesen on Thu, 03/19/2015 - 14:50

In reply to by deesen

...... and yet more.


Primula 'Blindsee'

P. allionii 'Jackie Richards'

P. 'Wharfedale Sunshine'

P. x Miniera

An allioinii seedling

Thank you. At the risk of becoming boring here are some more:-

Primula allionii 'V W Rollinson'

P. a.'Hartside No. 12

P. a. 'Hartside No. 6. This and the one above are old varieties that stem from a cross between two even older cultivars (P. a. 'Crowsley 'and P. a. 'Edroms ') from a UK nursery of the same name.

P. a. 10/08 Seedling from a German nurseyman, Gerd Stopp

P.a. 'Austen' Again an old cultivar originall from the early 1970's

Another Gerd Stopp seedling 7/01

.......... and yet more:_

Primula allionii 'Sapphire'

P. 'Lindum Destiny'

P. a. 'Impy'

P. 'Janet Aldritch'

P. 'Lindum Malcolm's Mate'

P. 'Stradbrook Charm'

..... and even more:-

Primula 'Maria Talbot'

P. 'Stradbrook Lucy'

P. 'Broadwell Milkmaid'

P. 'Lavender Mist'

A Gerd Stopp seedling from P. 'Aire Mist

A seedling from my own open pollinated seed which I have named 'Kathryn Alice' for my wife's sister-in-law who passed away recently.

I can certainly see why the 'allionii' bug hits so many!  You have some wonderful treasures there, David.  I don't think they'd appreciate my AgCan Zone 5a conditions, and a cold greenhouse here is very cold!  Lowest temp this winter was -27 C, I think.  Alison

Some more Primulas:-

Three P. allionii cultivars:

P. a. 'Crusader

P. a. 'Chivalry

P. a. Marjorie Wooster- too near a vent in the greenhouse!


P. 'Peardrop'

P. 'Ellen Page'

P. 'Moonbeam' 

More Primulas from my collection.


P. 'Venus'

P. 'Amethyst

P. 'Lindum Rapture

P. 'Lara'

P. 'Pink Ice'

P. 'Mylene'

..... and some more:-

Primula 'Ethel Barker' an allionii/hirsuta cross

P. marginata 'Napolean'

P. x pubescens 'Freedom'

P. 'Delight'

P. x 'Blairside Yellow' thought to be an allionii/P. auricula (species) cross

P. 'Lindum First Kiss'


i always enjoy seeing your primulas as they are something that we'd have no hope of growing here - even if they were available!



Submitted by Lori S. on Wed, 05/27/2015 - 22:47

In reply to by Fermi

Catching up, finally...

Primula algida and P. marginata (a young one) were the earliest; P. algida again in a more mature stage:


Primula elatior ssp. meyeri; an early Primula scotica; Primula x juliana 'Allure' (or so I think?) in an early stage, lots of bulb foliage interfering with it!


Primula polyneura, or  more likely a hybrid, I'm told, self-seeding: 


Primula veris, red; Primula veris 'Sunset Shades'; Primula 'Jay Jay'(?) with Hacquetia epipactis


Primula palmata; Primula yuparensis; Primula x allionii 'Aire Mist': 




Submitted by IMYoung on Sun, 07/12/2015 - 09:41

Primula lovers may be interested to read about the success of a trip to Bhutan in re-finding  Primula sherriffiae , 81 years after its only finding and introduction.

The team comprised  a number of SRGC members and recipients of SRGC Exploration Grants and were greatly helped by research done on the location by Pam Eveleigh of Primula World.  You can read more  here :